
April 27, 2012

Local Government Campaign

As part of the Council elections we have written out to all candidates in the Ross-shire, Skye and Lochalsh area. Asking them to tell us about what they would do to support us and tackle gender based violence if elected. The role of local authorities has a huge impact on the work of Women’s Aid from providing funding, to referring women to the service, to helping us achieve positive outcomes for our service users. The decisions elected members and council officials make have a direct impact on our service and the lives of the women, children and young people we support.

He loves me, He loves me not

The campaign features an animation based around the traditional “he loves me, he loves me not” flower game, with the falling of each petal highlighting potentially abusive behaviour

National Stalking Awareness Day

April 18th marked the first national stalking awareness day. This aimed to highlight what stalking is, that it is a crime, advice on what to do if you are being stalked and the help available.