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Rape Crisis Scotland – Deaf Access Service

Rape Crisis Scotland new Deaf Access Service Rape Crisis Scotland provides a free and confidential helpline for survivors of sexual violence across Scotland. They provide initial and crisis support , information and signposting/referrals to follow on services for women, men and transgender survivors aged 13+. For under 13s please see The service is accessible via freephone 08088 01 03 02 between 6pm and 12 midnight every day and is staffed by trained female support workers. They also offer access via minicom and email support and have access to interpreters via Language line for those whose first language is not English. There new Deaf Access Service now also offers support every Tuesday 1.30-5pm specifically for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Community via text and also Sign on Screen, the online BSL interpreting service. Calls via this service are free. For information on Sign on Screen and to register please see They have a range of additional information leaflets on a range of topics from child sexual abuse, to stalking to police & legal advice. All of these have been translated into BSL and are available on their website as well as on DVD. If you would like any further information regarding the RCS Helpline or the Deaf Access service the please visit

Violence against women and girls

Short film on violence against women and girls UK Feminista has produced a 14-minute film on violence against women and girls. View it at: Women and Girls Lead is a public media campaign designed to celebrate, educate, and activate women, girls, and their allies across the globe to address the challenges of the 21st century. The site includes educational films and a resources section.

These Heels Are Made For Walking

On Saturday 22nd September, 15 men took part in our sponsored walk, These Heels Are Made For Walking. The effort that the men put in on the day and the support we received from the public, was fantastic. Below are some pictures that were taking on the day

Healthy Relationship's Leaflet

Our CYP Workers and Children and Young People that they have been working with, have developed a leaflet on Healthy Relationships, giving an insight to what should be a Healthy Equal Relationship and What is not an Equal Relationship. If you would like to take a look at this leaflet then click on the link. RWA Healthy Relationships Leaflet

Launch of National Rape Prevention Campaign Edinburgh

A Scotland wide police campaign – “We Can Stop It” was launched on 13th September. This campaign is designed to educate and change attitudes towards rape and sexual assaults. This campaign is being led by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland and helps promote a recent shift in the law. The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009 reformed previous legislation for sexual offences and created a range of new offences relating to sex without consent. Crimes that previously haven’t been focused on, such as sex when a victim is asleep or unconscious, sex without consent through inebriation, and male rape all fall under this. The campaign uses a series of strong, thought provoking statements from young males aged between 18 – 27 years old. It asks young men to consider their behavior and the role they can play in preventing rape. If you would like more information on this, or would like to watch their advert that they have put together for this campaign then please visit.

Sexting Research

The NSPCC commissioned reserach study to improve our understanding of sexting and the use of mobile technology by young people.

1 is 2 Many Video

Check out the 1 is 2 many video featuring David Beckham & President Obama focused on reducing violence against women.

Local Government Campaign

As part of the Council elections we have written out to all candidates in the Ross-shire, Skye and Lochalsh area. Asking them to tell us about what they would do to support us and tackle gender based violence if elected. The role of local authorities has a huge impact on the work of Women’s Aid from providing funding, to referring women to the service, to helping us achieve positive outcomes for our service users. The decisions elected members and council officials make have a direct impact on our service and the lives of the women, children and young people we support.