Hairdressers and beauticians help in the fight against domestic abuse

17 December 2013

1 in 5 women will experience domestic abuse at some point in their life.  Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual and or financial it usually gets worse over time, more information on domestic abuse can be found here,

For some women going to the hairdressers or the beauty salon may be the only chance they get to go somewhere on their own.  Women tend to build a trusting relationship with their hairdresser or beauty therapist so may disclose things about their relationship to you that they haven’t told others, for women in this situation you could be a life line.

These are some signs someone may be experiencing abuse:

  • Bruising in different stages of healing, especially in areas not usually seen by others, such as the scalp.
  • Bald spots indicating hair has been torn or pulled.
  • Very frequent injuries, especially with unusual explanations.
  • Isolation from friends and family
  • Low self-esteem and a sense that they don’t deserve better treatment
  • Self-blame or unrealistic guilt (“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have done that”)
  • Fear of their partner, insecurity about their actions

What can you do:

  • Believe them and let them know this
  • Keep what they tell you confidential
  • Display information for local support services in your salon
  • Be aware of what your clients are saying and let them know help & support is available.  Let them know they aren’t to blame.
  • Don’t try to solve the situation, intervene or become their counsellor