05 November 2012Our AGM will be taking place on Thursday 29th November at the Victoria Suite, Ross County Football Stadium.
Before our AGM we will be hosting a Seminar entitled “Preventing Domestic Abuse, Promoting Healthy Relationships with Young People”. The Seminar will be from 12.30pm until 4.30pm, with registration from 12 Noon.
The seminar will be facilitated by Linda Thompson of the Women’s Support Project and Jennifer Lawson of the Sexability Project.
The Outcomes for the Seminar:
- Increase confidence in raising issues around sexual health and healthy relationships with young people including issues such as sexual pressuring, sexting and consent.
- Increase awareness of the impact of the media and the sexualisation of children and young people’s relationships
- Increase awareness of the impact of pornography on young people
The Seminar will be followed by our AGM. The AGM will be from 5.30-7.00pm. This year we will be launching our ‘STOP IT’ project which has been developed by women who use our service as part of the ‘together we can stop it’ campaign. There will also be a performance of ‘The Little Things’ by Breeze Productions, and input from the children and young people who have used our service.
If you would like more information on this or would like to attend the AGM/Seminar then please email